Stay safe and increase your home security
The safety of our loved ones and possessions is something that is very important, and that is why there can be no risks taken when it comes to the security of your home.
There are plenty of cheap and easy ways to ensure that any would-be criminals are deterred from your property, so here are some of the best ways to increase your home security.
Intruder alarm
Alarms are an obvious but relatively foolproof way to deter criminals from breaking into your home. Not only do they alert whoever is in the house that they have an intruder, but they can also be connected to an outdoor system that alerts neighbours and even the police.
However, even a simple door or window alarm can be effective enough to deter criminals. You simply attach it to the doors or windows, and when they are opened they set off an alarm which instantly puts off the intruder.
New and improved locks
You can have stronger locks fitted to your door which will make it a lot more difficult to break into. This will make the intruder think twice before wasting a substantial amount of time on trying to force an entry.
Composite door
A great way to improve the security of your home is to update doors and windows.
The latest windows and doors are designed to be tougher to break into, and to deter would-be criminals. The composite door is the latest door on the market, and is the ideal home improvement to fight against crime, as well as offering maximum energy efficiency.
Composite doors have been designed taking into consideration the flaws that doors had before, and are reinforced to make sure that opportunistic criminals cannot break into them with ease.
CCTV installation
CCTV is a great way to prevent crime in and around your home. If a potential criminal sees that your home has cameras – even if they don’t work – they will think twice about causing any damage due to the risk of them being captured on film.
Security lights
This is a simple method, but if you have a bright light that shines on a potential criminal in your garden – potentially exposing them to view – then they are going to be less likely to go ahead.
Keep tools locked away
It is important that you lock away securely any tools that could potentially assist in the break in of your home, as heavy instruments (or ladders) lying around in your garden or open shed could encourage a break in.
Lights on timers
There is some pretty smart technology out there for you to take advantage of, so why not purchase some lights that can be set on timers?
Whenever you go away for a while, or even just one night, you can have lights coming on in different rooms in the house which will give the impression that someone is home.
What are your top home security tips? Share your suggestions below!
Photo credit: Anja Ranneberg